Saturday, December 24, 2011

Trip to Bellingrath

A few weeks ago we went on an bus excursion to the old (old by North American standards) Bellingrath Estate on the south side of Mobile. We left about 3 in the afternoon because the trip's objective was to view the extensive Christmas light display, not the famous gardens where they are situated. My words won't do it justice so once again I'll put in some pictures.

The lights got better as darkness fell.

This pond was originally a mud hole.

The lights on this one flowed making it look like a fountain.

Most of the lights were flickering or flashing and dancing.

The Bellingraths made their fortune producing and bottling Coca Cola in the early 1900's. They purchased the property about 1930 and by 1935 were welcoming the public to view the flowers. Walter Bellingrath established a trust fund to keep the gardens open, and the rest is history.

We finished the evening at a nearby seafood restaurant.

We wish you all a blessed Christmas and a happy healthy New Year.
Carolyn and I will be attending St.Paul's Episcopal church in Foley tonight and you will be in our prayers.  

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